Fun Hiking at Bukit Jugra, Banting (Selangor)

Hello there,

This week, I would like to share with you an interesting hiking trail named Bukit Jugra (or Jugra Hill) in Banting, Selangor. 

Is relatively a small hill with height of 120 MASL but don't let the small elevation fool you. The hill actually covers quite a large area with multiple hills in it and trail is surprisingly challenging. The terrains have "never ending" up/down path that makes it a bit nerve wrecking especially when you have weak knees.... hahaha!

If you asked me, I would rate this trail as medium difficulties and requires approximately 3-4 hours to go through the entire loop (Bukit Jugra, Rajawali Peak) plus detour to the Jugra Lighthouse site.

When you arrive at the parking area, you would notice huge water pipe structure and a small tar road leading you up to the water treatment area. 

After 5 minutes of walking, you will reach a water treatment area. Beside it you will be able to see the green signboard that state the start of the trail "Denai Bukit Jugra"

There's lots of wildlife (Macaque monkeys) playing beside the fencing and occasionally leaping to the nearby tree, but the monkeys tend to ignore you if you quickly walk pass the area. If you are scared of monkey, just repeat this mantra " Monkey come, monkey go"

At the foothill, when you are about to your actual hiking, you will pass through a natural bush canopy that look like a small hole. 

At the start of the hiking up the trail, there are few rocky areas to passthrough but there are ropes to assist you maneuvering your way. But do be careful here.

Here's some of the areas where you can see how the rope is being useful to hikers.

What I like about the place is that the trails are well marked, and you can find many of such signpost along the trails to ensure you follow the right track. Very unlikely anyone will get lost if they pay good attention to it.

From the signpost, we follow the trail heading to lighthouse.

What interesting about this trail is that you can actually make a small detour the Bukit Jugra Lighthouse. The bushes here are denser and, in few places, you really need to crawl to pass through the gap around the fallen tree trunks and fences.

Here's how the entire trail look like as we are passing through the fallen fencing and broken concrete drain areas.

It takes about 20min to pass through this dense vegetation area. Once you exit the place, you will see a tar road leading downward and away from the abandon gated area. 

Probably 1 - 1.5km follow the road, you will see the white color building - the lighthouse.

Due to the height and location, it gives you a really nice panoramic view across the vast plantation area as well the Sg Langat River the flow out to Selat Melaka (Straits of Malacca). 

Some say you can actually see the sea at the far horizon, but I can't see as it was quite hazy on that day.

All in all, it takes us about 4.5hours of hiking in this place.

Would I come again to this place; the answer is definitely a "Yes". Do remember to bring some light food and lots of drinking water to ensure you stay dehydrated during the entire hike.

Note: You can also actually drive to the Jugra lighthouse. But it will definitely be more fun and meaningful to trek there instead. 

How to get here:

First thing to take note. How do I find this place? Where you start from? Using Google Map/Waze, search for Masjid Al-Muttaqin as your landmark and it will bring you to the starting point for the trail.

Parking area:

  • Next to the mosque there are lots of empty spaces around the construction areas. Just find a nice spot where you can safely park you. As it is an open area, parking is free.

Things to prepare:

  • Very important to ensure you bring sufficient water with you for hydration. I recommend at least a 1.5L water for those planning to hike to the peak and also to the lighthouse.
  • Do bring along walking stick/pole as some areas of the trails are very steep and difficult to ascend/descend.
  • Optional mosquito repellent spray if you want the native inhabitant (aka mosquito and sandfly) to stay away from you.

Important Note: Things to watch out for.

  • There are dozens of wild monkeys (macaque) which are quite aggressive and may try to snatch food/loose items from you or from your bag. So, be extra vigilant and careful when you walk pass the groups of monkeys especially near the water tank area. They almost snatch my food/snacks.


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